This is a special edition of Radio Wira Wiri with highlights of the WOMEX (World Music Expo) and IMEX (Indonesian Music Expo). Listen to the ethnojazzband Kua Etnika from Yogyakarta, progrocktrio 동양고주파 from South-Korea, contemporary Saami music of Marja Mortensson, groovy Ghanese vintage of Alogte Oho and his sound of joy family. the Polish string’n’brass band Tęgie Chłopy, imaginary folk of Širom, Yorkston/Thorne/Khan with James Yorkston telling us how they got together, the 22-year old Brìghde Chaimbeul on Scottish smallpipes, lo-fi music from Malawi of the Madalitso Band (picture), Colombian female trio La Perla, Afro-Futuristic trash ensemble Fulu Miziki, and the Indonesian world music band Suarasama.