Audio conversaties
Vanaf 9 februari ben ik te horen op de audio-app Mentza, waar ik refererend aan Radio Wira Wiri gesprekken van 20-25 minuten voer met iedere keer een nieuwe gast. We praten over muziek uit verschillende culturen, de context van de muziek, de muziekindustrie, herwaardering van traditionele muziek en het ontdekken van nieuwe muziek. Mentza is ontwikkeld in India en de voertaal is Engels. Uitzendtijd is 17:30 CET en 22:00 IST.
- February 9 – In volume 1 – An introduction of Radio Wira Wiri, an independent, eclectic radio show on Mixcloud – about world music and why listening to music from other cultures will enrich your life.
- March 9 – In volume 2 my guest is Francis de Souza, DJ, curator and agency. We will shed a light on one song in particular, a Nigerian song influenced by Bollywood music.
- April 13 – In volume 3 my guest is Magda Pucci about the connection between the song Pundela from Rajasthan and Brazilian popular music.
- May 11 – In volume 4 my guest is Mahesvari Autar, founder of DesiYUP about Hindustani music in the Netherlands. We talk a bout the challenges and opportunities of promoting Hindustani music in the Netherlands.
- June 8 – In volume 5 my guest of honor is Raj Mohan, Dutch singer-songwriter who invented Sarnami-Bhojpuri geet and pop. We will talk about his music style and how it came about.
- July 13 – In volume 6 my guest is Lewis Robinson, who founded the label Mais Um. We will talk about the choices and challenges of the label in the music industry.

De gesprekken zijn achteraf te beluisteren.